I am a SAHM to three wonderful, small kiddos and have been married for 13 years. I love writing, graphic art, reading, watching movies, cooking, and being with my family--my three blogs reflect all that I love! As a child, my mother and her sister often called me "LaLa" as a nickname, hence "LaLa Land" and "The LaLa Network," made up of LaLa Land, Frugal Blog Make-Overs and tea & ink.
I decided to create Frugal Blog Make-Overs because I found, as I joined networks and read other blogs, that many women, moms especially, felt they couldn't spend money on their blogs. They looked to other bloggers to critique their blogs for them and to help them puzzle out what could be improved. Even then, many bloggers were still looking for assistance on how to make those changes and to get their blogs just right. However, in this economy, most couldn't afford a professional designer.
I have learned quite a few tricks and stumbled upon (no pun intended) quite a few nice sites offering tutorials and freebie designs. I have recently become addicted to digital scrapbooking, so much of what I design falls into that realm, but I'm amendable to designing in whatever style suits you. I can also hand-draw, then scan in and digitize a design if necessary. I wanted to offer what I knew primarily for free, but if someone asked me to design something for their blog in particular, I'd do it for a modest reimbursement for my time.
Please peruse my site and contact me if you have any questions. I'm happy to answer! :)